You should check out my books: Hello, Startup and Terraform: Up & Running

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Startup DNA: the formula behind successful startups in Silicon Valley

“Successful startups are all alike; every unsuccessful startup is unsuccessful in its own way.”

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Startups Comments

The Truth About Startups

Today, I’m happy to share the video and slides of a talk I gave at the MIT Martin Center for Entrepreneurship, as well as the Trinity College Blackstone Launchpad...

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Startups Comments

Why Use Terraform?

I just published a blog post on the O’Reilly Radar called Why Use Terraform? where I discuss what Terraform does and how it compares to Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Clo...

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Terraform: Up & Running has been published!

Today, I’m happy to announce that Terraform: Up & Running has been published!

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Terraform, Writing, DevOps Comments

Yevgeniy Brikman on the devRant Podcast

devRant is a place you can talk (or rant) about your life as a programmer with other programmers. The devRant folks are also putting together a series of podcast...

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Yevgeniy Brikman on the Yours Productly Podcast

The other day, I did an interview for the Yours Productly podcast where I talk about startups, product design, coming up with startup ideas, minimal viable produ...

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Terraform: Up & Running is now available as an early release

A funny thing happened last week. I wrote another book! It’s called Terraform: Up & Running and it’s now available as an early release in the O’Reilly Store!

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Terraform, Writing, DevOps Comments

Expert Interview Series - Jim Brikman of Gruntwork on Launching a Startup

I did an interview for the Paysa Blog where I shared some of my experiences with living the startup life: Expert Interview Series - Jim Brikman of Gruntwork on La...

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How to use Terraform as a team

Update: I took this blog post series, expanded it, and turned it into a book called Terraform: Up & Running!

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Terraform tips & tricks: loops, if-statements, and gotchas

Update: I took this blog post series, expanded it, and turned it into a book called Terraform: Up & Running!

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